Using our organisational HR knowledge, Colour Me Beautiful know-how and personal experience we build on the look amazing/feel amazing/know you’re amazing factor of individuals.
Whether you are seeking a new career, career advancement or are experiencing a significant transition in your life we believe how we feel about ourselves plays a significant part in the achievement of our goals.
Having been actively involved in the customer service industry and conducting interviews for over 20 years, we realise how first impressions and image really matter and are passionate about using our expertise in guiding and supporting others to be the best they can be.
About Lesley
During her maternity leave, Lesley moved house with her family and it became apparent she was not going to be able to return to her job as a Human Resources Manager in London. She decided to set up her own business supporting organisations in the HR function
However, she’d lost some of her confidence, so decided to have a colour analysis session with a Colour Me Beautiful stylist. During the session she had an honest conversation with the consultant and realised she too wanted to be part of Colour Me Beautiful and to help other people have the same empowered feeling that she had gained. Now Lesley has become an image consultant in Surrey, some people think of us as a personal stylist.
Lesley qualified as a consultant for Colour Me Beautiful in 2014 and has been kept busy delivering HR solutions to businesses and aiding women to blossom and deliver their full potential.
If you feel that your career is playing second fiddle to your home life or you want something more rewarding, I know how you feel and I would like to help. That’s why I created this free guide.
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