At work or play, most of us want to project ourselves in a positive, well put together light. Rightly or wrongly, within 7 seconds, others have made a judgement about us – that’s usually before we have even had a chance to say anything. We know that if we look our best, we are more confident as individuals and this is shown in our verbal and non-verbal (body language) communication.
Whether, we are looking a for new job, a promotion at work, a new partner, have an event to go to or just because……… Colour Me Beautiful can advise you on the best colour tones and styles for you, whilst not disguising the real you. Click on the Colour Me Beautiful page for more information.
If you need support getting that job, Lesley’s experience and knowledge as an HR consultant will enable you present yourself to employers in a way that is in a concise, reader friendly, fact-based CV. Develop your interview skills through coaching to ensure you are successful in your interviews. Don’t forget your image. Remember you have 7seconds to deliver a impressive first impression. If this sounds what you need, click on the Personal Marketing and Colour Me Beautiful pages.
If you feel that your career is playing second fiddle to your home life or you want something more rewarding, I know how you feel and I would like to help. That’s why I created this free guide.
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